Friday, July 17, 2020

Best Practices to Launching your B2B Commerce Storefront

As more and more businesses embrace the B2B eCommerce model, buyers’ expectations are currently mirroring those of B2C clients.
B2B buyers presently incline toward eCommerce self-service options at each phase of the funnel – from awareness to intent to purchase.
B2B eCommerce earnings are considered to twofold this year, with 55% of B2B buyers completing at least half of their online purchases.
Buyer inclinations are continually changing and acclimating to patterns produced by digitalization, and B2B buyers are no special case.
So it is nothing unexpected that in 2020 the online sales channel and online customer experience (CX) will represent the principle territories where B2B businesses will have the option to create differentiation.
The ease and accessibility advantages of online commerce have extended past the consumer market and into B2B, or businesses selling to other businesses.

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