Tuesday, June 15, 2021

How Voice Search and Mobile Continue to Shape UX

 Voice search has continued to shape UX ever since mobile technology became mainstream. salesforce commerce cloud

Let’s explore the opportunities and challenges that voice interaction and mobile have created in UX design for businesses, especially in the financial and manufacturing sectors. b2b ecommerce

UX, or user experience, is in for mainstream adoption of voice search and mobile. b2b commerce

Considering the speed at which voice interaction is proliferating in today’s digital ecosystem, it’s likely to end the monopoly of the visual interface. b2b e commerce

Over 27% of mobile users globally use voice search, reports Google. As users of voice interaction are increasing, therefore it is a preferred input method instead of a visual interface. cpq salesforce

The adoption of voice search in mobile UX design is quickly becoming indispensable for businesses across industries. cpq

Bringing mobility in UX design is responsible for personalized user experience, which is en vogue in today’s customer-centric user interface. salesforce lightning

Business discoverability has received a significant boost. So has interconnectedness of business’s various systems, services, and channels.

This has translated into customer retention and the need to switch devices is minimalized. salesforce billing


Voice search in manufacturing industries

The emergence of voice search has given users a solid reason to cringe upon the clatter of keyboards. salesforce lightning

Typing is slowly becoming old fashioned and voice interaction is cementing its ground as a preferred input method. salesforce pricing

Its usability cuts across the consumer-user divide and allows businesses to utilize it in the same way with the same enthusiasm as customers of businesses do. salesforce development

That is to say, instead of giving a written command, a user can give oral instruction to a computer. cpq salesforce

“Computer, notify the shipping unit that I’ll finish packaging by 12 o’clock.’’ While you are talking, the computer performs menial tasks efficiently. salesforce community cloud

And it’s all because of voice interaction, which fortunately is no longer a far-fetched sci-fi idea. It’s here that the true potential of voice search lies. salesforce community

Over the years, AI has grown by leaps and bounds. And it has made voice technology a robust advancement to reckon with. salesforce partner community

Interacting with Alexa and Siri is a welcome development for consumers worldwide. salesforce cloud

Their penchant for voice interaction has flooded the consumer space with all kinds of devices, from Amazon Echo to Google Home. crm salesforce



Voice search is a technology with benefits. It’s the clarion call for businesses to offer a robust and effective voice interface technology to its customers and staff.


  • A device with voice interaction capability allows a worker to keep working uninterrupted as there’s no need for him to manually enter input into a device. He can receive instructions and reports from other departments without having to cease his work. salesforce community cloud

  • Voice technology is capable of data collection. That enables businesses to gain insights into customer behavior. Businesses can utilize this data to improve search and navigation on their site. At the very least, they can render it effective by complying with local trends. salesforce lightning

  • Voice technology is steadily replacing the consumer’s dependence on touchscreens and keyboards. Today’s voice search is much more advanced, functional and interactive. With sophisticated AI capabilities in the backend, it’s grown into a fully-functional HMI: Human-machine interface


There’s not much of a challenge from the technological aspect of voice technology. However, human language poses a few hindrances, which need to be dealt with efficiently. salesforce service cloud

Human language is a complex enterprise, prone to erroneous interpretation. That could give rise to imprecise search results. salesforce log

It’s a challenge, but one that can be overcome by deploying AI. Also, it’s incumbent on businesses to feed clear, concise instructions and commands into voice search in order to make the interaction more understandable between user and machine.


Voice assistants in financial services

Financial services have found a special rapport with voice assistants. Financial institutions roll out voice technology to upgrade customer experience to the next level. salesforce s

Financial institutions have deployed voice technology in the banking sector to allow their customers to check account balance using voice assistance. salesforce is

Besides that, users can use voice commands to get a credit card payment done. Without having to resort to typing, users use voice search and get desired results instantly.


Use of voice technology in financial services

Voice search and mobility shape UX for a reason. It’s because of its utility and emergence as a mainstream consumer-centric technology that businesses need to make voice search integral to their UX design strategy. salesforce lightning

Voice technology, in the form of voice assistants and voice search, is utilized for many purposes by financial institutions.


Let’s explore some common uses of voice technology in financial services.

a) Personal finance

Voice assistants speak the customer’s account balance when asked. All it takes is a simple voice command and information is relayed instantly. salesforce s


b) P2P payments

Voice assistants are capable of handling peer-to-peer payments using voice searchPayment limits fears of accidental payments, and therefore the threat of losing money.


c) Credit card payments

Voice assistants make credit card bill payments easier, hassle-free, and faster. Users can schedule or automate payments for a later date using voice assistants. crm salesforce


d) Investment management

If given access to a user’s investment portfolio, a user can command a voice assistant for information regarding the performance of his/her investment portfolio. salesforce is

Most voice assistants come with terrific AI capabilities and can assist customers with financial research, news about stocks, and investment opportunities.


e) Lending

Voice assistants even come handy in making better financial decisions pertaining to lending.

As an individual customer or as a business, one can inquire voice assistants about loans, interest rates, eligibility, and more, for business as well as individual loans. einstein analytics


f) Conversational AI

Voice assistants play a much bigger and more complex role in financial institutions. From product recommendations to product purchases, it assists businesses in lead generation funnels. salesforce einstein


g) Voice analytics

Voice assistants are a storehouse of data. Companies can utilize it to offer improved customer experience. Audio helps businesses keep track of customer interactions.

And businesses can leverage it to improve AI, which helps revamp product offerings and offer personalized services to users. cpq salesforce



‘Voice Search Optimization,’ an SEO strategy to make voice search SEO-friendly

As voice search is set to replace the keyboard as a preferred input method in the near future, marketers have to include voice search optimization in their SEO strategy. Here’s how to optimize for voice search:


  • Keep the language natural and to-the-point. Direct questions need direct answers, so don’t beat around the bush. cpq salesforce

  • Use schema markup to help questions and answers remain within context. Search engines pick answers to queries if the context matches. Snippets also can be utilized to add context to queries made and answers given. salesforce partner

  • Content optimization is key to voice search optimization. Remove or update outdated contact information and duplicate pages at the earliest.



The manner in which mobile is steadily but aggressively replacing desktops, voice search, equally disruptive and futuristic technology, is toppling the keyboard in a similar fashion. salesforce community

It has become obvious now that overlooking voice search implementation is fatal for a business. Without it, the business’s online presence is going to dwindle significantly.

Voice technology is the next big thing to happen in the realm of technology. So, it makes no sense to overlook it. That’d be perilous for a business. salesforce implementation


Source: Voice Search and Mobile Continue to Shape UX

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