Monday, June 14, 2021

How a Salesforce B2B Commerce Subscription Storefront can pull your B2B business through in these times of COVID

 As we talk about Salesforce B2B Commerce Subscription Storefront as the potential antidote to boost a business’s immunity during the COVID-19 pandemic, we must not forget that it’s foremost a human tragedy. salesforce commerce cloud

Its arrival hastened global commerce toward a dead end. b2b ecommerce

COVID-19 has turned the foundations of the global economy upside down and uprooted countless businesses in its wake, almost overnight. b2b commerce

However, its fallout has been a revelation too, begging us to reconsider and reconstruct our propositions as business owners, CEOs, marketing heads, etc. b2b e commerce

Some did respond, as we’ve been seeing businesses scramble for newer approaches to B2B ecommerce. cpq salesforce

The unprecedented rise of eCommerce bears that out. And to support the businesses in their journey to digital-first commerce, Salesforce B2B Commerce has been playing a crucial and central role. cpq

Salesforce’s Revenues Soar As More Businesses Turn to its Tools

It’s been Salesforce’s founding principle to haul CPQ for B2B Subscriptions from the clutches of a privileged few and place it into the hands of businesses looking for a robust Salesforce Storefront to benefit from. salesforce lightning

As a result of its small business eCommerce solutions, be it in the form of Salesforce B2B Commerce or Salesforce Subscription Product CPQ, today the global B2B eCommerce Market is thriving even in the midst of COVID-19. salesforce lightning

The fact that leveraging B2B eCommerce Software enables your customers to quote subscriptions with CPQ has brought businesses astounding success and proved extremely supportive to customers, too. salesforce pricing

As New York Times reports a 29% increase in Salesforce’s revenue and staggering profits during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, one can easily imagine its popularity as a B2B eCommerce Platform offering top-notch B2B eCommerce Features amongst the top-rated B2B eCommerce Companies.

COVID-19 and its Implications for B2B eCommerce

COVID-19 leaves a host of implications for business leaders to come to terms with.

Right from supply chain disruption to employee health, coming all the way to consumer trust and the continuity of the business itself, the antidote to these challenges lies in digital transformation brought to the forefront by Salesforce B2B eCommerce. salesforce development

A lot remains unclear and businesses have to brace up for unexpected challenges ahead because COVID-19 isn’t going anywhere for some time now! salesforce community cloud

You never know how it’ll impact consumer behavior and in which direction it will drive the lives of billions of consumers.

But not all is bleak as regards the future of commerce! salesforce community

In fact, the pandemic paved the way for B2B eCommerce to thrive as it became the central nerve, or only channel, holding together global commerce. salesforce partner community

And it has become evident that for B2B eCommerce growth, B2B manufacturers and distributors will have to turn to online channels and eCommerce.

1) B2B eCommerce is more important than ever.

When faced with situations where social distancing becomes an absolute necessity, salespeople have a lesser role to play in B2B compared to eCommerce channels and digital marketing efforts. crm salesforce

Therefore, for B2B, investing extensively in eCommerce and cloud platforms has become imperative. salesforce community cloud

And those who’ve been reluctant to digitize may well have to turn to eCommerce to evade jeopardizing their business.

2) Smartphones, laptops, and social media play a bigger role than ever.

Some in business-to-business commerce had been averse to mobility, especially to the possibility of bringing B2B ecommerce to smartphones but the pandemic has proved them wrong. salesforce lightning

As physical stores or businesses are shut down, B2B consumers are left with nothing but smartphones and laptops to close deals remotely. salesforce log

Therefore, if you want to reach out to consumers in the digital-first commerce leveraging Salesforce B2B Commerce is indispensable. salesforce s

B2B consumers prefer texting, not talking, to sales representatives.

And with face-to-face meetings becoming near impossible in times of social distancing, digital tools become all too important.

How to Create a Subscription Product CPQ

Running a Subscription Business? It’s time you flaunt your subscription products using Salesforce B2B Commerce Subscription Storefront.

Salesforce Storefront allows organizations with subscription products to create personalized storefronts and offer customers seamless customer experience.

Why Salesforce CPQ for B2B Subscriptions?

  1. You get every freedom to personalize the experience of your customers and create a custom storefront, uniquely reflective of your business by the way it looks.

  1. You get a scalable shopping cart robust enough to accommodate thousands of SKUs, and capability to seamlessly browse and compare products. salesforce is

  1. You get multiple options for payments to give your customers the flexibility to use any method of payment, including credit cards. salesforce s

  1. You get complex shipping functionality with Salesforce Storefront, where customers can choose multiple delivery dates and locations.

Leverage CPQ for B2B Subscriptions to start selling subscription products with Salesforce B2B Commerce and start reaping the benefits.

Deploying Salesforce CPQ for B2B Subscriptions means that your business is all set to cash in on countless opportunities SaaS has on offer. crm salesforce

In other words, you are going to witness a substantial increase in subscription sales; automate renewals so that you don’t have to nudge your sales reps to file for renewal, and avail yourself of recurring revenue without additional expenses. salesforce is

The Salesforce B2B Commerce Subscription Storefront transforms the whole operational setup of a business, so as to bring home integration where various processes, from manufacturing to distribution, work in tandem. einstein analytics

And it’s the consequence of this integration that businesses successfully offer personalized shopping experience to its customers across all touchpoints.

Lead Prospecting B2B Business Salesforce

B2B businesses know how hard lead generation could get, and they see it as a challenge.

But, it can be overcome with Lead Prospecting B2B Business Salesforce. salesforce einstein

After all, concluding a lead from a random customer interaction is a prowess Salesforce B2B Commerce revels in. salesforce lightning

So how do you know which is a prospective lead? For that, you should either be a salesperson who has direct access or contact with individual buyers and is able to communicate your business proposition in a tailored manner in consonance with his/her interests. salesforce service cloud

Or you should be using Salesforce CPQ for B2B Subscriptions, in which case the lead prospecting process is fully automated, thanks to its AI capability.

How else can you connect with your prospects?

1) Refer to social channels

The immense popularity of social media can prove a boon for your business. It provides a platform where businesses meet prospects. salesforce cloud

Replacing email as the primary form of communication, social media is being actively used by brands for social selling. cpq salesforce

So, try to dig deeper into your social channels to gain better insights into the prospects.

2) Use quantitative data

Salesforce tools store and analyze large amounts of customer data, churning out the same as quantitative insights that make the lead-generation process a lot more productive.

The quality data is important to the point that its absence is considered problematic or in fact, a barrier to lead generation by at least 42% of marketers. salesforce billing

The data analytics tools that B2B Commerce Storefront comes with offer intelligent views into behaviors of leads, thereby gleaning useful details about business-to-business buyer’s.

Using the same set of analytics tools helps identify quality prospects or simply put, assists in the process of lead prospecting, and on a successful implementation can lead to a whopping 77 percent increase in lead generation ROI. b2b e commerce

Therefore, using a salesperson’s marketing acumen and qualitative data can help you identify prospective leads and track their progress as they journey through the sales funnel.

How to Launch a Salesforce Storefront Fast

During this pandemic, we’ve learned that aB2B Commerce Storefront has become an absolute necessity. commerce cloud

In its wake, B2B organizations have been put on the pedestal of digital-first commerce. And it’s evident that face-to-face selling won’t avail in the post-pandemic landscape.

Your subscription products need B2B Commerce Storefront in order to get to stores faster while lowering expenditure. salesforce implementation

In fact, one of the best B2B eCommerce Features that comes to the rescue is that selling online is less expensive with B2B Commerce.

Salesforce puts it more precisely, sharing that, on average, companies using B2B commerce save $12 per order. salesforce community

Here’s how you can launch a B2B Commerce Storefront a lot quicker.

1) Deploy B2B commerce to meet customer needs

Manually entering orders is a thing of the past. Deploying B2B commerce frees your salespeople from the manual, time-consuming labor of inputting orders.

They can use the time saved to do more productive work such as quoting and hunting for business opportunities. salesforce partner

Not only does it improve ROI but it also cements lasting customer relations and loyalty, and promotes better engagement.

2) Choose a division that promises a reliable supply chain.

Sometimes, companies shut down soon after launch because of a bad buying experience.

It’s usually the result of their ecommerce site being replete with out of stock products.

3) Use Salesforce’s Quick Start Commerce for B2B.

It’s imperative, not a privilege, for a business to get to the market fast. That’s why using Salesforce Quick Start Commerce is recommended because it gets your B2B venture live faster. You also get customer-specific catalogs a lot quicker.

4) Vouch for speed and agility.

Besides metrics, there are things that matter more. And speed and agility fall in that category! Salesforce storefronts launch at lightning speed, literally put! cpq salesforce

What about Salesforce B2B Commerce Pricing?

You might ask, since Salesforce B2B Commerce is so reliable, fast, and AI-enabled, how much does it cost? As far as Salesforce B2B Commerce Pricing is concerned, just remember that pricing depends on an individual customer’s needs. cpq salesforce

If your needs are greater, it’s obvious that you’ll be priced higher! Opting for admin assistance incurs additional costs.

But, given the Small Business eCommerce Solutions that you get with Salesforce, such as more revenue and customer-centric buying experience, prices fail to surprise or deter businesses from deploying it.

Therefore, Salesforce B2B eCommerce helps scale your business easily and quickly. And it propels your business to the B2B ecommerce marketplace in less time, helping it get more B2B eCommerce sales by empowering customers.

Its self-service tools take customer experience to the next level of excellence and ease. For its capability to adapt to any situation, COVID-19 or otherwise, Salesforce B2B Commerce Storefront is touted as the best B2B eCommerce Portal.

In fact, what’s so unique about Salesforce as a top-notch B2B eCommerce Platform is its regular updates which keep it secure, up, and running smoothly.

Source: B2B Commerce

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