Friday, November 22, 2019

Prioritizing the B2B Customer Journey for Ecommerce Success

Today, shopping is more about the experience as buyers are pressed for time and look for efficiency in every aspect of their online buying, from onsite search to checkout. They have heightened expectations around customer service, where instant answers that address immediate concerns are the norm. Logistics have moved into the forefront as shoppers make purchases based on convenience, with same-day delivery becoming more and more common. Ultimately, it is the complete experience with a brand that must be present to drive conversion.

The core of any customer journey, digital or otherwise, is customer value. Our customer experience experts suggest focusing on:
  • Solving a problem by analyzing the current customer journey to surface pain points, frustrations, and barriers.
  • Making life simpler by removing the time, effort, and/or friction the customer has in engaging with you. Look at the problem from a holistic point, where logistical information can improve the life of someone dealing with customer service.
  • Engaging the customer with the right digital tools can help organizations proactively engage with customers, keeping a customer-centric and omnichannel view based on the customer journey.

The digital B2B experience is increasingly important, and it’s critical that the customer journey invites potential clients and turns them into repeat customers.

The vast majority of B2B buyers do research online before they contact a company and are 57% of the way through the marketing funnel before they talk to a sales rep. Because so many buyers use the Internet to do research before ever contacting a company, it is crucial that B2B retailers and manufacturers make the customer journey exceptional.

Some of the most important aspects to consider when constructing your digital B2B experience include the following.

Access to product information: Ensure that information on your products is easily accessible and understandable. Make your website simple to navigate so customers can quickly and easily find exactly what they’re looking for. If your digital experience is confusing, cluttered, or otherwise difficult to navigate, customers will quickly turn to your competitors.

Simple order management: Access to inventory levels, order history, one-click purchase, and multi-address shipping should all be available to B2B customers.

Quality customer service: An aspect often overlooked in B2B eCommerce, quality customer service can be the difference between losing a customer’s business and saving their repeat business.

Computers can be finicky, and if a prospective client has trouble with your digital B2B experience, it’s important to address their questions and concerns and satisfy their needs however possible.
Personalized customer experience: Invite customers to return to your website with a personalized experience. Keep track of their order history so they can quickly place reorders, save their shipping and contact information to streamline reorder entry, and stay in touch to make certain they are satisfied with your products and customer service.

By prioritizing your B2B customer journey, businesses can create a digital experience that customers will feel comfortable using, returning to, and recommending to acquaintances.